Orbis Editions publishes e-books, paper books, and artist works in digital and print forms. Based in Cambridge, MA

We are a flexible network of artists and designers that has included: Jessica Hankey (publisher), Samuel Alexander Forest (creative director and design instructor), Audria Hadikusumo (outreach), and designers: Amy Kunberger, Ozlenen Ozbicerler, Sarah Friedman, Briaanna Chiu, Ollie Ennis, Vincent Greco, Anna Yu Jung Jung, and Wayne Luan. Samuel Alexander Forest is the publisher of the small press Figure Bound.

Support for Orbis Editions is provided by the Cambridge Arts Council, Collective Futures, Mass Cultural Council, and the Kindling Fund, a grant program administered by SPACE Gallery as a part of the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts Regional Regranting Network.

Collective Futures Fund logo